Mar 14Liked by Syrani Sands

I was just thinking of you a couple of days ago and here you are! Was missing hearing from you and saw an old fb memory from when I was there with you and Schiffi. I'm deleting old memories/posts as they come up (along with getting rid of my meger online presence), but remembering to save the pics to my computer. Glad you are well. I'll most likely make it to Oz this December and stay. I have to get out of this country of consumerism I was born in. But work visas are always tricky. Will let you know. Glad you and the family are well, God bless xxx Susie

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Please tell me when you come... we are on a new property these days with potential longer work + stay options 💜 Or just come for a visit as our guest!! My heart thinks about you too sister.. your family and all that this last decade has brought you x x

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Mar 11Liked by Syrani Sands

Love you 🙏

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💜💜 Oh there she is 👋🏼 My special starring guest for this post hehe x x

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Oh how I’ve missed your writing. Thank you for all the beautiful stories and reminders of the power of prayer ♥️

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Thank you for always taking the time to read, my love. It makes me smile and feel joy when I see you here x x

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I can’t wait for our IRL campervan moment ♥️

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Mar 11Liked by Syrani Sands

Thank you for sharing, especially the bit about the couple who parked next to your van. A story I can reflect on when I feel my flesh wanting to react or be assertive. A reminder to pray and see people through the lens of Christ. It stood out to me because cigarette smoke is a big trigger for me. Bless you and your family on the journey ahead.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Author

The sanctification process hey?! I mean, Christ wasn't always passive. He certainly turned over tables in the temple. But he did always love. I feel stopping to pray always gives us the insight on how to God wants us to proceed. Once we're plugged into God and unplugged from the flesh, the path is revealed to us. Jesus always went off into the wilderness to pray when he was uncertain. It was his first point of call. God is always blessing us, preparing us, refining us. He turned my poison in that moment into one of the most beautiful blessings of my life. It's impossible to explain the impact it had on me, those people and my family. I think because it was just so sanctifying.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Syrani Sands

I’ve had moments like that before too. When God sanctifies in such a clear, almost abrupt way. They are distinct memories/milestones because they shape who we are and how we do things moving forward from that point on. I’ve been thinking about those moments this week actually. And thanking God he loved me enough to correct me like He did. It’s beautiful how He does that, though I may not think so at the time.

Stepping into the wilderness for me, in this season, has been going for a walk in the neighborhood with my baby to reset my mind and see things from Jesus’ perspective when I find myself getting too in my flesh. The simple act of getting away momentarily to converse with God has made a big difference. And when you can’t physically get away, pausing like you did, to pray, is so key. Thank you again for the reminder to do just so.

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Prayer walks in the wilderness is my absolute favourite way to reconnect and recentre! x x

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