Thank you for this. Over the past few months I've come across many post "like yours" (as in coming from the new age and now fully immersed in christianity and it makes me more and more curious, together with a "new" partner for the last 1.5h that opened up my eyes more towards christianity. what i am wondering is what first books/texts/resources you'd recommend for someone who's curious/still very much of the private path of finding out more :) (coming from a completely atheist upbringing and knowing absolutely minimum)

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That’s such an interesting question! Well, firstly it sounds like Christ is truly knocking at your door. The fact you have an openness is amazing. First things first I’d say is - start praying 🙏🏼 Try to connect with God. Ask Him to help you know him, head him, feel him. Ask Him for guidance on where to look and for which resources need to be revealed to you.. Your journey is yours alone, and in God’s perfect timing. So He is the ultimate authority when it comes to what you need.

It’s easy to get stuck in “the mind”. I am a mind-heavy person, so I know this well. But nothing you can read will help you know Godoy have faith in Him. Except literally the Bible, which is God’s word - Scripture. My favourite Gospel is Luke. Why don’t you start reading that?

Also, I’m not shy to recommend The Chosen (it’s an free app / movie series), and it’s beautifully done. It’s a GREAT way to begin understanding who Jesus was. You can watch the after shows of each episode too - where Rabbi, Catholic Priest, Evangelical Pastor, all discuss the components of each episode too. It’s entertaining and moving and you don’t have to be Christian to enjoy it. It’s suited to the younger gen in terms of our viewing habits ;)

I personally needed to read to “unlearn”, not learn. Perhaps you might be similar...

Also, I was very interested in Christian Marriage so I listened and read a lot around that topic too.

There is an App called YouVersion Bible App. With Daily Devotionals. You can choose the ESV translation (although I also have a Passion translation going too haha! Love it!). It’s a great way to learn in tiny bites too.

I also loved the MessengerX app video series too... lots of gems in there.

But if you are super super new to all things spirituality -- I actually found things like Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” and some of Richard Rohr or Rob Bell’s stuff a really helpful “bridge” until I was ready to read something like “Another Gospel” from Alisa Childers, and sort of “buckle down” my faith - rather than being so universalist. These suggestions are gentle entry points into “the higher”.

At the end of the day... all things will lead you to God. If you are open. Stay hungry, stay thirsty. And stay open... “have ears to hear”.

I am happy to chat privately with you -- connect with me by replying to this email if you want? We can stay connected on Telegram / WhatsApp. It would be my joy to be a person of support on your walk, I’d you ever feel like calling on me 💜

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Lol lots of Freudian autocorrects in there 🤣 Head Godoy!! Haha

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Syrani Sands

I’ve read over half and it’s the most captivating thing I’ve read on substack. I actually don’t really know how this platform works and still figuring it out. Perhaps spirit/god is keeping me awake at night of late so then I stumble across revelations like this one. Reading this at 1:30 in the morning. I relate to so much in this. X

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I don’t know how I missed this comment. Honestly I don’t come on here very often... A lot of folks from Insta are moving over to Substack, bringing their businesses and brands with them. It’s getting busier and it’s making me resist it more. Why I left social media. I can feel a shift in this platform. I haven’t been able to write again since writing this post. I don’t know why... perhaps it’s all the words I need to say. I know God will guide me in time to what’s next. I have this deep and loud message my time is coming when I’m in my 50s. Until then, I just have to soak up as much as I can in presence and reverence. Perhaps I’ll write about exactly this comment. I just don’t want to engage in the distraction!! Me and the Book and Luke.. a candle on our dinner table, a walk on the earth, friends over for dinner and companionship, moving my body with you gals at the beach.. I just don’t need more. My excess goes outward. To private creativity. To private serving. To private connection.

Thanks for reading this darling...

I have had a few 1am moments lately that I felt God has literally woken me up to tend to - as it’s the only truly quiet and “awake” time of the day!

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I feel instagram just isn’t providing the depth people are after now especially after what we just went through as a collective. We’re all feeling like we need more depth and instagram isn’t really providing that. I’ve been wondering for years what the next platform would be. I guess just like everything it will be beautiful and intentional until it’s not.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Syrani Sands

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with me…… I took my time on it (one chapter a day, mostly due to my kids distractions!)

I feel so honoured to have met you the day of your baptism, a very special day Indeed!

I look forward to reading more, your walk with our creator inspires me!

Much love

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I feel honoured too... what a gift God gave me in your friendship and support that day. I am excited for all that is yet to unfold together and alongside each other too xx

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Thank you. I sat in the sunshine and read slowly. Your journey is beautiful and its yours, and yet I could have written many of the very same things if I had the words. Even the timing, even though it has been a lifetime in the making - my journey toward Christ started a bit before Easter last year too. It has been very private for me, fumbling my way through. Your post has re-invigorated my knowings and inspired me to seek community. Its my favourite story to have read online, ever I think! Thank you.

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Wow, what an honour to receive such a beautiful ovation. Glory be to God, truly. I love it that we are synced in timing!! We are not alone in that!! Walking alongside each other in our own private, fumbling paths. It's truly incredible to know and believe that God is on the move right now, with and for all of us. It's even more incredible to know what a powerful moment in time we are living in - that no matter what our life before this, so many of us are having these same powerful experiences and unveilings in this time... I was having a huge chat with a beautiful mentor of mine at our local church, and we started talking about fellowship. Community is an essential part of walking with Christ - he commands it of us! We are not meant to be alone in this walk, for so many reasons. I feel a new post brewing on this topic actually... You are welcome to reply to me via email 1:1 if you feel like you want someone to talk to that's been on a similar journey. I am completely here and open for that xx

I love all the words under your Substack outline :) I can't wait to read your own words, if you decide to write them and share them xx

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I just want to say “I love you” and then my mind was like nah you can’t say that on the internet to a stranger and then I was like no I really can.

Just beautiful.

I took my time with it.

I’m digesting.

I’m on this journey too.

Right by you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I can’t wait to read more quite honestly 💘

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I'm so glad and grateful you took your time. I am still digesting myself, truthfully. There are even words in this piece that I've already had fresh revelations about. I already have a whole new post in my heart - about nature and fellowship! Now these words are released, though, it feels like "now I can truly begin (again)". I am honoured to know you are walking this journey with me, right beside and alongside each other. Meg, I don't know you either - but I'd love to! I know you've resonated with some of my posts lately, and when I hadn't heard from you on this one, I wondered how this post sat in your heart. Honestly. I was thinking of you!! In great love also. I don't know how to connect via Substack, but if you also received this in your inbox, reply to my email, and maybe we can connect 1:1 via that :) It would be my privilege to hear your story, if one day you ever felt like sharing with me. God is doing amazing works right now in the hearts of all us... it's even more potent when we walk together xx

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🥹 so lovely to hear this, my email is meg@megdonnelly.co

I would love to connect 1:1 - so many thoughts and questions and self enquiries.

Inviting the nature and fellowship post 🥰 this is so so beautiful how this is all unfolding at the moment. I’m originally from London, now living in Amsterdam and about to move to the south of France with my husband to start a little new life without any distractions, just community and nature and hopefully baby making. It feels very right we’re connecting. Thank you for the invitation to connect ♥️

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Thank you for this. I am/have been on a very similar journey of coming to Jesus. Many blessings as you walk this path. Sincerely, a sister in Christ 🙏

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Thank you darling... it’s wonderful to connect xx

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